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14 Jul 01 - 6 Jan 09
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SSTV. You're not interested? Well, don't say never until you look at this site, download the software and try it.
PSK31 is the rage of the digital world. This is the place to begin. Get the software and lots of good information.
DigiPan is the obvious favorite of the PSK31 fans. It's free and is a fine operating program and a logging system.
If you like digital, you need to know how to type. Here is the latest, best and free way to learn the keyboard.
Software and freeware of all kinds, sizes and shapes. The search engine is also very productive. Take a look.
I mean, this is software until the cows come home! Good search engine and thousands and thousands of items.
Here is a chance for you to render a real public service. It's in use. It works. It may save lives. Police love it in our town.

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